DSANA’s Dairy Sheep Symposium 2024

CHicago, illinois (U.S.) ~ November 7, 8, & 9

DSANA is excited to announce that our next Symposium will be held November 7-9, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois (U.S.) This will be our first in-person event since 2019 and we have prepared a fantastic gathering that will appeal to all sizes of farms and businesses.

Join us for three illuminating days of education and networking. Taste some incredible sheep’s milk cheeses at our Cheese Reception. Hop on the bus for a Wisconsin farm tour and hands-on demonstrations. Learn from an array of experts and peers.

Click here for more information and to register


An Introduction to DSANA’s
Genetic Evaluation Program (GEP)

Using Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s) for Breeding & Selection

WEBINAR recording from March 27, 2024

This webinar offered an introduction to DSANA’s Genetic Evaluation Program, to show how the program can be implemented on farms. Take the guesswork out of making breeding and selection decisions in your dairy sheep flock, and improve your farm's bottom line.


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