Disease Treatment and Prevention, Medication

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  • Virtual Tour of a Shepherd’s Creek Dairy Farm – 2019 – Butch Cargile.  A history and virtual tour of Shepherd’s Creek Dairy Farm that discusses their breeding program (including artificial insemination), feed, disease prevention, and economics.

  • Tools to Monitor Flock Nutritional Status and Udder Health – 2019 – Dr. Fred Muller and Dr. Lynn VanWieringen, Ag Health Laboratories.  A presentation on the services offered by Ag Health for milk analysis, feed analysis, manure analysis, and small ruminant disease testing (CL, Johnes, …).  It gives an overview of how the testing is done and what the results show.  It also goes over some information on preventing and treating different types of mastitis.

  • Prevention & Management of Dairy Sheep Diseases - 2016. Mary C Smith, DVM. An overview of many common disease in sheep & how to prevent/manage them including Pregnancy Toxemia, Ovine Progressive Pneumonia, Caseous Lymphadenitis, Sore Mouth, and others.

  • Digital Necropsy Examination of Sheep & Goats - 2016. Mary C Smith, DVM. How to guide for doing a digital necropsy to aid in determining cause of death.

  • Integrated Control of Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants - 2016. Tatiana L Stanton & Michael L Thonney. A guide to managing internal parasites using targeted selective deworming, pasture rotation, copper wire particles & high tannin legumes.

  • Thin Ewes – Maedi Visna, Johnes and Caseous Lymphadenitis – 2013 – Rex G. Crawford DVM.  A presentation on the cause, detection, and management of Maedi Visna, Johne’s, and Caseous Lymphadenitis in dairy sheep.

  • Seroprevalence of Q Fever (Coxiella Burnettii) and Associated Risk Factors in Ontario Sheep Flocks, Goat Herds and their Farm Workers – 2013 – Shannon Meadows, Paula Menzies, Andria Jones Bitton, Scott McEwen, Joceyln Jansen, Catherine Filejski, Samir Patel, Department Population Medicine, University of Geulph.  A study on risk factors and prevalence of Coxiella burnetii infection in Canadian sheep, goats, and their care takers.

  • Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Coxiella burnetii in Small Ruminants and Q Fever in Humans – 2013 – Dr. Jocelyn Jansen, Dr. Paula Menzies, Dr. Catherine Filejski.  An infosheet on Coxiella burnetii, signs of infection in animals, how people become infected, prevalence in Ontario, and precautions that can be taken.

  • Parasite Control in Dairy Sheep - 2012 - Susan Schoenian, University of Maryland Extension. A guide at controlling internal parasites in dairy sheep through monitoring, treatment & genetics.

  • Ewe (& flock) Health Overview - 2012 - Eric D. Gordon, DVM The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. A look at major health issues with sheep including major disease prevention, internal parasites, mastitis (clinical, subclincial and causative agents), abortion disease, pregnancy toxemia, and milk fever.

  • Progressive Wasting Diseases of Ewes - 2012 - Eric D. Gordon, DVM The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Identifying, verifying, and preventing Johne’s disease, Ovine Progressive Pneumonia, Scrapie and Caseous Lymphadenitis.

  • ANTIBIOTIC TESTING OF SHEEP MILK - 2010 - Daniel L Scruton and Lynn Hinckley, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, Montpelier, Vermont, USA. History of antibiotic testing in sheep milk focusing on Vermont

  • EFFECT OF DRY TREATMENT ON MASTITIS IN DAIRY SHEEP - 2008 - C. Spanu, Y. M. Berger, D. L. Thomas and P. L. Ruegg University of Wisconsin-Madison. Discussion of the intramammary antibiotic DT on the prevalence of intramammary infection in subsequent lactation

  • OVINE MASTITIS: OVERVIEW OF THE DISEASE AND A GUIDE TO ITS CONTROL - 2007 - G.C. Fthenakis* and I.A. Fragkou, Veterinary Faculty, University of Thessaly,, Karditsa, Greece. Good general overview of Mastitis, including clinical and sub-clinical,  and how to control it.  

  • OVINE PROGRESSIVE PNEUMONIA AND CASEOUS LYMPHADENITIS – YOUCAN RAISE SHEEP WITHOUT THEM - 2006 - Holly Neaton, DVM. Intensive presentation of symptoms, treatments and historical data regarding Ovine Progressive Pneumonia  (OPP) and Caseous Lymphadentis (CL)

  • STRATEGIC CONTROL OF GASTRO-INTESTINAL PARASITES IN SHEEP - 2006 - D.H.Bliss, Ph.D., Veterinary Parasitologist. Intensive Presentation of gastro-intestinal parasites commonly found in sheep including barber pole worm, liver flukes, etc.   Discussion includes diagnosis, control strategies and timing of treatment protocols

  • SOMATIC CELL COUNTS IN DAIRY SHEEP MILK - 2006 - G. Lagriffoul 1, F. Barillet 2, R. Rupp 2, X. Berthelot 3, D. Bergonier 3  Institut de l’Elevage - Comité National Brebis Laitières. Intensive discussion of somatic cell counts including clinical and sub-clinical Intramammary infections (IMI) diagnosis of staphylococci. Also details detection protocols, treatment strategies, and preventive methodologies 

  • Mastitis of sheep - overview of recent literature - 2000 - Menzies The author summaries the clinical features, occurrence, causes, diagnosis, risk factors, productivity impacts, treatment, and prevention of clinical and subclinical mastitis.