Freezing Milk

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  • Properties of Sheep Milk for the Manufacture of Cheese and Yogurt, 2011, Nana Y. Farkye, Ph.D. A small study of the composition of sheep milk and why it is ideal for cheese and yogurt making, as well as freezing.

  • IMPACT OF HANDLING AND THAWING ON CHEESEMAKING PROPERTIES OF FROZEN SHEEP MILK - 2008 - W. L. Wendorff, M.A. Dufek, J. J. Jaeggi,, Y. Peng,Y. M. Berger, and J.A. Lucey Department of Food Science, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research, and Spooner Agricultural Research Station, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Influence of thawing procedures on the cheesemaking qualities of frozen sheep milk.

  • Processing of frozen sheep milk - current procedures and difficulties encountered - 2004 - Clark. J Clark from the Old Chatham Sheepherding Co. explains the learnings from several years of refining the process of freezing milk for making yoghurts and cheeses. He covers purchase specifications, transport, processing, problems, handling, quality control, and age of milk.

  • Effect of freezing on milk quality - 2001 - Wendorff. Scientists froze raw sheep milk  at either -15C or -27C and thawed it periodically to measure microbiological and physicochemical properties, and made cheese and yoghurt. The different freezing temperatures produced different results, with -27C being generally more favourable.

  • Updates on Sheep Milk Research 1998 Wendorff  Overview of then current research projects on sheep milk including freezing, whey, blended milks.