Somatic Cell

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  • Quality Milk Management - 2016. Frank Welcome. Methods to improve milk quality such as hygiene and sanitation in the parlor, the importance of managing high scc, bacterial count (SPC), housing, nutrition, culling & record keeping.

  • Udder Health for Production of Quality Sheep Milk - 2015. Pamela L Ruegg, DVM. An article on the causes, detection, spread, prevention and treatment of mastitis.

  • Milk Quality and Dairy Hygiene – 2014 – Gianaclis Caldwell.  A presentation on ways to improve milk quality through milking hygiene, milk storage, herd health, and milk testing.

  • MILK QUALITY FOR CHEESEMAKING - 2010 - Bill Wendorff, Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Covers some of the research on various aspects regarding the quality of sheep milk that have a direct impact on the cheesemaking potential of sheep milk.

  • IMMUNITY AND THE MAMMARY GLAND DEFENSE SYSTEM - 2008 - Gabriel Leitner, National Mastitis Laboratory, Kimron Veterinary Institute. Discussion revolving around passive immunity and newborn lambs.

  • SOMATIC CELL COUNT REGULATION AND ANTIBIOTIC TESTING OF SHEEP MILK - 2008 - Daniel L. Scruton Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. Overview of the current issues and procedures in the Grade A PMO

  • OVINE MASTITIS: OVERVIEW OF THE DISEASE AND A GUIDE TO ITS CONTROL - 2007 - G.C. Fthenakis* and I.A. Fragkou, Veterinary Faculty, University of Thessaly,, Karditsa, Greece. Good general overview of Mastitis, including clinical and sub-clinical,  and how to control it.  

  • SOMATIC CELL COUNTS IN DAIRY SHEEP MILK - 2006 - G. Lagriffoul 1, F. Barillet 2, R. Rupp 2, X. Berthelot 3, D. Bergonier 3  Institut de l’Elevage - Comité National Brebis Laitières. Intensive discussion of somatic cell counts including clinical and sub-clinical Intramammary infections (IMI) diagnosis of staphylococci. Also details detection protocols, treatment strategies, and preventive methodologies 

  • ACCURACY OF THE PORTASCC® MILK TEST FOR THE DETECTION OF SOMATIC CELLS IN SHEEP MILK - 2006 - Yves M. Berger Spooner Agricultural Research Station University of Wisconsin- Madison, Spooner, Wisconsin, USA. During the course of the 2006 milking season, the Spooner Research Station tested the PortaSCC for a possible application as part of its management routine.  This report is a summation of the results and test strategies

  • Some advice for a good milking - 2004 - Billon. It is important to not only keep milking machinery well-maintained, but also for operators to follow good practices. In this article, the author focuses on before milking, during milking, after milking, and maintenance.

  • The evolution of factors concerning clinical mastitis in the Roquefort area from 1980 to 2000 - 2003 - Lepetitcolin. At the time of her presentation, there were 2,400 dairy sheep farms whose milk was made into Roquefort cheese. "Dairy references" (quotas) were developed during a period of oversupply that govern milk quality, price, and quotas. An association of veterinarians was formed to create a global approach to hygiene, transmit knowledge, and foster partnerships with technical experts. The  resulting 6-point mastitis control plan is summarised, as well as some statistics. In French with English summary.

  • Evaluation of sensory and chemical properties of Manchego cheese manufactured from ovine milk of different somatic cell levels - 2001 - Jaeggi. Bulk milk was mixed into low, medium, and high somatic cell count (SCC) categories and made into Manchego cheese. Higher SCC caused lower yields, slower flocculation, and higher rancidity when aged.

  • Influence of somatic cell count on ewe's milk composition, cheese yield and cheese quality - 2000 - Pirisi This study reports the impact of three different bulk milk somatic cell counts (SCC) on milk composition, cheese chemical composition, and cheese physical composition. High-SCC milk had higher pH, so some of the effectsof high SCC can be mitigated with pH standardisation. Low-SCC milk was more efficient for cheese making from a protein recovery perspective, but the quality of the final product did not appear to be affected by SCC.

  • Mastitis of sheep - overview of recent literature - 2000 - Menzies The author summaries the clinical features, occurrence, causes, diagnosis, risk factors, productivity impacts, treatment, and prevention of clinical and subclinical mastitis.

  • Factors affecting milk traits and udder health in East Friesian milk sheep - 2000 - Scharch. Milk samples were taken from all ewes in a flock of 40 East Friesian ewes every 14-35 days through lactation. This study reports on their production, milk quality, and udder health statistics and the effects of number and stage of lactation, number and weight of born and weaned lambs, and ewe body weight on milk yield, composition, and udder health.

  • Mastitis of Dairy Ewes: Etiology, Detection and Control 1998 Billon/Decremoux  Academic discussion on mastitis in sheep and bulk tank